I+D+i Projects
Estela Cántabra has developed in collaboration with the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain – State Agency for Scientific Research) and various Spanish universities tools for scientific research in the field of biology, logistics and the environment.
He has participated in regional, national and European projects. These projects have generated the creation of different devices, document management platforms and utility models.

SIFEF Project
Estela Cántabra has developed a project together with the Politécnica University of Madrid for continuous analysis of water, for the «in situ» determination of dissolved substances and their concentration.
This project has been subsidized by the Government of Cantabria, within the Plan Innova 2012.

The Tajo Hydrographic Confederation has shown interest in the SIFEF Project by supporting the research and transferring its facilities for the validation of the prototypes.
You can see their support letter in this link.
Scanning System for Herbariums and Libraries